The 1st WWH-OBD Ad Hoc Meeting

During the 44th session of GRPE held at the UN European Headquarters in Geneva, the first WWH-OBD (Worldwide Harmonized Heavy-Duty On Board Diagnostics) ad hoc meeting was convened on June 13, chaired by Mr. Odaka, Director of the Environment and Energy Research Division at the National Traffic Safety and Environment Laboratory, an independent administrative institution. It was reported that, since approval for establishment of the ad hoc group was obtained at the 43rd session of GRPE in January, two preparation meetings had been held, and full-fledged deliberations have been started.

The major subjects of deliberations are as follows.

1. On presence/absence of thresholds stipulations
It is difficult to stipulate a single set of thresholds for GTR, but it was agreed that discussions will be continued on stipulation of regulation items and the possibility of a band or bands.

2. On communications protocol and connectors
A policy for unification was announced by the U.S. and the U.K., but considering that the current conditions make it difficult to reach a conclusion in a short time frame, it was decided that the discussion will continue on, for example, short-term and long-term regulations. It was also confirmed that in the deliberation, due consideration will be given to the impact on electronic control systems other than emissions-related systems and the impact on maintenance personnel and routine examiners. Respecting unification of connector voltage, technological studies will be undertaken at ISO/SAE.

3. There were proposals from the Secretariat on definitions of terms, the table of content of GTR, and work timetable, and it was decided that they will be discussed based on the opinions of each nation at the next meeting.

4. The second meeting is scheduled for November 6 and 7 in Paris, jointly with the Off-cycle ad hoc meeting which is scheduled for November 8.

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